The Issue Of Polygamy In The Molloye And Ramatoulaye

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Besides that, Ramatoulaye was really strong whenever the people around her looked at her strangely. She mentioned that “I survived. I overcame my shyness at going alone to cinemas; I would take a seat with less and less embarrassment as the months went by. People stared at the middle aged lady without a partner” (p. 51). She was not carried away by what others assumed on her but she stayed strong and managed to survive. While she was alone in the cinema, her co-wife, Binetou was happily accompanied by Modou to the night club with a costly garment (Mariama, 1981). Although Modou chose to be with his second wife, Ramatoulaye did not burst into anger or fight with Binetou but she illustrated a good moral behavior by being patient and strong. …show more content…

Based on Surah An Nisa verse 3 Allah commanded Muslim not to practice polygamy if he thinks he cannot be equal and fair to both wives. Based on the book So Long A Letter, it is obvious that Modou was not equal and fair towards Ramatoulaye. Modou tends to be unjust and abandoned his first wife. He bought a villa, a car and jewels to his second wife but he gave nothing to his first wife. He was so eager to take care of his first wife, Binetou until he financially and emotionally abused Ramatoulaye. Ramatoulaye was leaved with her twelve children without any sustenance or money from Modou. Clearly, Allah did not allowed this kind of polygamy as it is already mentioned that in order to practice polygamy, the man should distribute everything equally between his wives. Nonetheless, The Scarlet Letter includes the element of revenge whereas So Long A Letter describes on patience. Based on Islam perspectives, revenge is an evil behavior which destroy human relationship. In The Scarlet Letter, Hester’s husband, Chillingworth was impatient to take revenge on Dimmesdale. He even planned to kill Dimmesdale by giving him unnecessary herbs. Clearly, as a Muslim we should not take revenge on

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