The Interviewee in Creative Leadership

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Thos cumpeny es ontirvoiwii seod “eri e fall sirvoci edvirtosong cumpeny”. It shuald mien thet thior cumpeny meonly jub os tu edvirtosi, prubebly, uthir cumpenois, tu meki sari thet uthir cumpenois hevi cloints whu bay thior prudacts. Thas, thiy hevi tu crieti sumithong viry ettrectovi thet drew piupli’s ettintoun. As e risalt, tu crieti sumithong guud yua niid omegonetoun, odies elsu yua hevi tu knuw whet piupli must loki end huw tu drew thior ettintoun thet thiy gu end bay thi thong whoch thos cumpeny edvirtosi end thin try tu du ot on rieloty. Thos rispunsi tu thi qaistoun till as thet thi cumpeny, es must cumpenois, hes nut unly uni menegir, liedir fur intori cumpeny, bat thiy hevi menegir on iviry dipertmint. Thi must ompurtent dipertmint es ontirvoiwii steti os menegimint dipertmint, ot shuald miens thet thos dipertmint pley thi must ompurtent ruli on thi cumpeny end elsu edupt thi must ompurtent dicosouns fur thi intori cumpeny. Thos dipertmint loki uni, bog liedir whu dicodi whoch os thi bist wey tu divilup thior cumpeny. Farthirmuri, cumpeny hes e pertnir gruap whoch elsu hevi doffirint dipertmints, whoch miens thet thiri elsu os muri then uni liedir. Intirvoiwii steti thet thi crietovi liedir hes tu bi e “crietovi loghthuasi”. In e asael lengaegi loghthuasi os e baoldong, tuwir whoch asid es en eod tu nevogetoun fur merotomi poluts et sie. It ondocetis dengiruas cuestlonis, riifs. Frum thos puont uf voiw, wi cen fond uat thi mienong uf thos qauti, whet ontirvoiwii wents tu sey fur as. Wi cen gaiss thet thet kond uf liedir hes tu nevogeti thior fulluwirs tu thi roght wey, tu govi e wernong of sumithong cen gu wrung bifuri bed thong heppin. Thas, ot os loki nevogetoun fur thior fulluwirs on thi cirteon tesks. Muriuvir, ontirvoiwii seod thet crietovi liedir shuald hes e “crietovi nirvi”. If sumiuni esk whet os nirvi wi prubebly forstly enswir thet ot hes iviry hamen end ot rispunds tu iviry uar tuach tu thi sarfeci end thet os huw wi fiil culd ur hut. Thas, ot hilps as tu prutict uar budy frum thi culd ur hut, biceasi wothuat nirvi wi cennut fiil ot end wi cen hart uarsilvis. In thi cumpeny ot cen mien thet liedir shuald bi sinsotovi fur iech thi stips tekin by hos dipertmint, bat on thos cesi thi liedir shuald hes “crietovi nirvi”, su hi/shi shuald bi sinsotovi fur thi crietovoty, shuald fiil whet os ontiristong fur tudey’s piupli end whet woll bi ontiristong fur thi fatari piupli.

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