The Internet Age: The Age Of The Internet

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The Age of the Internet The internet is something that is, faster than expected, being integrated into almost everyone’s everyday life. Most people, nowadays, have access to the internet at the tip of their fingers through their smart phones and even through the use of older flip phones, granted, on a different level. With the internet age came the age of the internet kids, which have a worse reputation than they deserve. When I say internet kids, you may already have a picture of grown men in their parent’s basement, leeching off of their parents and never growing up because they do not have the social skills or the drive to do anything else, but surf the web. Well, allow me to clear up some misconceptions. I was born in 1995, which means that I do not personally know a time without the internet. Some may say that I am blessed for that, but some other people who are stuck in their ways may see me as “some spoiled kid, clinging on to my new-fangled technology.” Technology may make life easier, and therefore, make me not know a harder life, but that has been the point of new technologies since the beginning of time. The wheel was not invented to put as a weight on one’s back to slow them down, it was made so that somebody could put it underneath themselves and travel much easier and speedier than they could before. The internet is still …show more content…

Next time somebody thinks about a human recluse sitting alone in their room, browsing the web, I hope that they imagine them talking to the entire world, because they have the entire world in their grasp. The internet is not something that we should look down on, and by extension, those who use the internet often is not something we should look down on. We do not look down on those that constantly use a hammer, so why look down on people using a different type of

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