The Influence of Ancient Chinese Philosophies such as Confucianism, Legalism and Daoism

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Through the whole of history’s existence, religions, philosophies and personal belief systems have been around to shape and mold life into what it is today. Religions all around the world have their own belief systems, sometimes even more than one. And though one religion or philosophy may develop in a specific corner of the world, there is always at least two paths they could travel. A system can either remain personally sacred to the founders, themselves, or it may become a popular belief to other areas in the world, be they the next town over, or the next country. Likewise is the fact that though some areas may hold true to one specific religion, other areas may produce several belief systems that may fancy several different groups of the specified area. A proper example of this would be the three Chinese philosophies of Confucianism, Legalism and Daoism. These belief systems all represent a different path of the geographic spreads any belief system could take, despite having originated in the same areas. Even so, they all come to be major influences in the different ways of life of the Chinese people, as well as other neighboring areas.

Confucianism is a great philosophy to live by. It provides a strict moral discipline, and helps one to be able to accept their inner self, and all that they can be. This is the relative opinion, at least, that some modern day Confucianists believe, proof to show that the philosophy itself has stayed alive for thousands of years. Confucianism came into the spotlight of the Chinese Dynasties in the 6th–5th century BC, founded by a man named Confucius. It, in fact, was a philosophy, and so there were no personal deities for people to follow. The philosophy itself was based on social and moral o...

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...Daoism, have proved the fact that one simple belief can change the life of people all around the world. This is true, despite where they originated, by whom they were founded, and at what period of time they came into existence. They also do not waver to show how much one area in the world can change in the course of a couple hundred years, due to a difference in perspective. There is no doubt that the lives of every living being have been influenced by a religion or philosophy at one point or another in their life. Likewise is the fact that we will continue to be influenced by them far into the future, despite the notion of some people that they are disconnected from all forms of personal belief systems, just because they ‘choose’ to be. It is inevitable to be influenced by the scenery around us, which is the reason why the world is what is it has come to be, today.

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