The Influence Of Expectations On Personal Identity

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In life everyone finds themselves in a crisis of uncertainty and confusion with who they are. This is a crisis that occurs not only during adolescence but in adult life as well. One person’s identity is more than just any personality, their likes and dislikes. It is more than their gifts, talents and skills and it is more than one’s occupation or the money in their bank accounts and it is certainly more than the color or their skin. An identity is the concept that everyone develops about themselves that evolves over the course of life. Everyone lives their own lives and learns their own lessons from their experiences. Learning from personal experiences is how people develop character and begin to know themselves. One of the greatest things …show more content…

Expectations help form a world view, but expectations also skew the world’s view. Presumptions of the world can influence one’s reactions and responses to everything and everyone they might encounter. Many can enhance his or her lives and experiences by releasing all expectations. One releases these expectations by being open to new experiences, seeing things through fresh eyes, staying connected, and being realistic, people must let go of the ideas that are woven into the fabric of culture and society such as “as long as your making money you should always be happy” or that “men bring home the bacon while the women cook it”. Discarding of gender, social and racial roles Is very important in learning to rid oneself of all expectations. Society needs to remove all racial stereotypes. A stereotype is a cognitive shortcut, it allows your brain to make snap judgements based on immediately noticeable characteristics such as gender, race or age. It’s okay to make snap judgements, the problem is just when people start to apply those stereotypes beyond that immediate …show more content…

Empathy is the awareness of the feeling and emotions of other people. It allows individuals to understand what others are experiencing as if they were feeling it themselves. An article written by Justin Steinburg further explains the importance and understanding of the mans of empathizing by stating “While it might well be trying to ascertain what it is like to be another, one must begin by imagining what would be like for one to be in another’s circumstances, if one is to gain empathic knowledge, one must, at the very least, make compensatory adjustments for known distinctions between self and other”. Meaning empathizing with others may entitle understanding what it may be like being somebody else, it has to begin with putting one’s self in another person’s shoes. It’s impossible to truly understand another person’s life without experiencing it first-hand yourself, but it doesn’t hurt to try. Being aware of other people’s emotions and perspectives is the foundation for building bridges between individuals as well as strengthening the relationship between humans. It may very well allow society to be less judgmental and more understanding of other people’s live and could assist people in understanding themselves better, therefore avoid an identity

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