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Why knowledge of history is important
Why knowledge of history is important
Why knowledge of history is important
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Most universities require every student, regardless of their major, to take at least two history courses. Most students take these history courses because they are required to do so. This raises the question, why study history? What is the importance of history to a common being? History is something that has happened and is factual. By knowing these facts, its students can learn how to progress and advance not making the same mistakes. Studying history also provides a sense of respect and pride from its students towards a society. History can also help its students improve many skills needed for other fields of life. The study of history is very important to a society.
History is a relevant topic for an individual and a society to analyze, because it allows them to benefit from previous experiences and advance positively from it. History shows that the world as one sees now is not the same as it was centuries or even decades ago. Every society learns from the past and makes adjustments to improve. One prime example of this is the advancement of warfare equipment and tactics. The weaponry used during the Middle Ages are not remotely close to the machinery used in the nuclear era of today. During the beginning of the Middle Ages, wars were primarily fought by militia and swordsmen. Once it was realized that mere hand-to-hand combat would cause huge casualties, long-range arrows began seeing the war-fields. From them came the mighty trebuchets, cannons, battle ships, each being more powerful than the previous. Each war was used as a history lesson to teach what improvements and adjustments had to be made in order to be more successful. The importance of the study of history goes beyond the lessons learned in warfare. The American...
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...he students learn how to review conflicting interpretations. It teaches the student to think outside the box and use subjective observation to come to conclusions. These skills enhanced by the study of history helps its students to be better persons in various aspects of life.
The study of history is very important for a society. The lessons learned from history whether it is of warfare, or of government help make better choices for the future. The study of history instills a sense of pride and respect in the hearts of the students. The study of history also boosts the overall skills of a person studying it, since history is a study that complements many other fields of study. The study of history is very important for mankind because of the effects it has on its students.
Works Cited
Szasz, Ferenc M. "Quotes about History." History Teacher. 03 June 2004
World War I is marked by its extraordinary brutality and violence due to the technological advancement in the late 18th century and early 19th century that made killing easier, more methodical and inhumane. It was a war that saw a transition from traditional warfare to a “modern” warfare. Calvary charges were replaced with tanks; swords were replaced with machine guns; strategic and decisive battles were r...
Learning history has given me a new perspective on the World today. I have learned how WWI and WWII shaped how the world is today – from the visions of the modern to the three-world order to globalization.
History is a powerful form of context. History is one thing that almost every reader can grasp and have a great understanding of. Also, history is one thing that will always stay current. ...
During the Middle Ages, or also known as the Medieval Ages, change was a major part of that period. Europe was watching war become much different. In the older times, a few thousands of troops were considered a large army. Nowadays, nobody has ever seen such size of an army with such variety in weapons including guns, munitions, and artillery that were all developed during that period. Besides, it was obvious that the face of warfare was changing by the end of the fifteenth century. Two of the most significant developments were the maintaining of a fair amount of troops on a permanent basis at the ready, and the rising need of gunpowder weapons and munitions. In essence The Middle Ages was a period of change that significantly reconstructed warfare and weaponry as technology advanced, such as the gunpowder, the famous recipe that revolutionized and redefined war to a whole new meaning.
We study history to learn from it. People make mistakes and it is not only our job, but our responsibility to learn from them so no one makes those errors again. What we learn from the Holocaust is what happens when you forget your morals and blindly follow others. We learn the horrible, tragic outcome of racism and discrimination. We learn that when good does nothing, evil takes over. We study the Holocaust because it is not only important, but essential that we do not repeat history.
- It is important to remind people of history because it teaches them about previous happenings. It shows that for every action there is a consecuence, therefore every action or decision you make will have an effect that will impact your life and the life of the people around you. It also gives you an insight of what happened years ago so that in the near future, we are prepared well enough to make the right decisions in order to avoid reliving similar or previous events.
Although technology has drastically increased, and the current force structure is different from that of the Greeks; the Western Way of War continues to serve as the blueprint to today’s militaries and continue to shape the way we fight wars. The Western Way of War helps us describes the relationship between the evolutions of modern warfare with the evolution of the western culture. Without a doubt, the western way of thinking has influenced the way warfare evolved, as it takes in consideration the strength and values of its society. Prior to identifying how the Western Way of War has shaped the way conflicts are fought over time, it is first important to understand its five foundations.
In the same way as knowledge of the past helps to improve computers, it also improves the quality of life for mankind. Knowledge of our past helps us to see how humans react and deal with situations. this allows us to take preventative measures. There was a time when mankind was always at war with each other. Everyone was fighting to take each others land, food, and technology. Since then the United Nations have been created to prevent such types of pointless wars and now there are police which enforce the law and a government in which power lies in the people. There have been many bad times for humans in all parts of the world throughout history. There have been big and small wars with huge death tolls, small battles, famines, depressions, slavery and countless others events which could have been prevented if we had known what the outcome would be. Just as a person learns from their mistakes, knowledge of our history helps us to learn from our mistakes giving us insight into the future. Many events that have happened in our past no longer plague the world today. Slavery used to be prevalent ...
History is a story told over time. It is a way of recreating the past so it can be studied in the present and re-interpreted for future generations. Since humans are the sole beneficiaries of history, it is important for us to know what the purpose of history is and how historians include their own perspective concerning historical events. The purpose and perspective of history is vital in order for individuals to realise how it would be almost impossible for us to live out our lives effectively if we had no knowledge of the past. Also, in order to gain a sound knowledge of the past, we have to understand the political, social and cultural aspects of the times we are studying.
Millions of people have gone great lengths to record every part of the past. We may not know much about the future but we have more than enough information about the past. The knowledge about our past has helped us in many ways. Historians, teachers, doctors, students, lawyers and many more have relied on history books and researches on significant events in history to prove their point. The question why history matters has been asked many times. It has been asked by students, teachers and parents sometimes. Some people may see this question as ridiculously easy but I see it as one of the hardest ones yet asked. Does History matter? This question can’t be answered in one sentence. Try asking people why history is important and the answer is usually “It’s to learn from our mistakes”. It’s not right to summarize over 4 billion years of history in one sentence. This question can be easily answered in numerous ways. I would side with the numerous historians who say history holds huge significance. History is older than any object or human being we have ever come across. History has proved itself significance with the help of human beings. We, the people have used history and made it one the most significant thing in present. History holds itself significant because it has helped us understand human behaviors, change in societies, mistakes influential figures have made in past, the past events occurrence and many other reasons. The most important reason is that history protects us by preparing us for the incoming. This essay would analyze the importance of history today by using the past events for evidence.
1. The importance of the study of world history to me personally as an American is very significant because I hope to find a career where I will work with many diverse people and I not only want to know them, but I want to have an understanding of where they came from in order to associate with them better. Another reason is that an American can be from any culture from around the world. Americans aren’t any certain race or religion, so we have to understand our fellow citizens just as they need to understand us.
History is the bridge that connects the past with the present. Without history, we have no future. The past gives value to our present. David C. McCullough stated, “History is a guide to navigation in perilous times. History is who we are and why we are the way we are”. I agree with McCullough, history gives us a purpose. History allows us to investigate and interpret the past in order to see how we developed and where we came from. We can get an idea of what has influenced our past and present, and also what will shape our future. We can see what previous generations did and whether or not t...
If we compare the present with the past, if we trace events at all epochs to their causes, if we examine the elements of human growth, we find that Nature has raised us to what we are, not by fixed laws, but by provisional expedients, and that the principle which in one age effected the advancement of a nation, in the next age retarded the mental movement, or even destroyed it altogether. War, despotism, slavery, and superstition are now injurious to the progress of Europe, but they were once the agents by which progress was produced. By means of war the animated life was slowly raised upward in the scale, and quadrupeds passed into man. By means of war the human intelligence was brightened, and the affections were made intense; weapons and tools were invented; foreign wives were captured, and the marriages of blood relations were forbidden; prisoners were tamed, and the women set free; prisoners were exchanged, accompanied with presents; thus commerce was established, and thus, by means of war, men were first brought into amicable relations with one another. By war the tribes were dispersed all over the world, and adopted various pursuits according to the conditions by which they were surrounded. By war the tribes were compressed into the nation. It was war which founded the Chinese Empire. It was war which had locked Babylonia, and Egypt, and India. It was war which developed the genius of Greece. It was war which planted the Greek language in Asia, and so rendered possible the spread of Christianity. It was war which united the world in peace from the Cheviot Hills to the Danube and the Euphrates. It was war which saved Europe from the quietude of China. It was war which made Mecca the centre of the East. It was war which united the barons in the Crusades, and which destroyed the feudal system.
It is important to study history because it teaches us about not only our own culture but about cultures all around the world. Learning about other cultures and how they look a the world and what their opinion on certain things are , helps us learn better ways of avoiding conflicts. History is just a way of getting us to understand human life and helping us embrace new ways of making a healthier lifestyle. Studying history is very important to all of our society because it answers every question. History is everywhere so why not learn about
When most people think about history they remember a boring class they took in school a long time ago, they recall memorizing important dates, taking map tests, and falling asleep while listening to a lecture. The truth is that history really is an important subject to be teaching students. History is more than just some lecture you receive in class, history lets us look back, see the good things and the bad things, it allows us to learn from our mistakes and prevent such mistakes from happening in the future. Things that happened in the past are still changing things that are happening today. History is needed for everyone, from government leaders down to individuals; everyone has learned one thing or another from history at some point in their life.