The Importance of Empowerment to Motivate Employees

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In today’s global market, managers must make a great effort to explore and put into effect several types of management strategy. The economy in these modern times is so competitive that managers must sometimes look to less conventional means of increasing productivity in the workplace. Monetary rewards can only produce so much motivation for employees. If a company wants to be as successful as is possible, they must consider their employees well-being and help drive them to not only work hard, but to think creatively and produce fresh ideas. Empowerment is one method of encouraging such results.

Business people today suffer from stress and anxiety due to the pressure of striving for perfection. Workers feel as though they cannot afford to make any mistakes, for they could become expendable and easily replaced by the hundreds of thousands of unemployed in America alone. America is not the only country experiencing such strain. Psychologist Ethel Roskies of the University de Montreal has observed the level of stress in workers rise dramatically in recent years in Canada. “This is in companies where if I’d mentioned the possibility of losing your job five years ago, I would have been laughed out of the room. Not any more,” she commented. In a study of 1300 executives, she found that the greatest stress factor in the workplace was the fear that the economy will grow worse in the near future. Roskies observed that with this pressure, employees focus more on trying to do everything than focusing on and embracing their personal talents and what they contribute best. In her years of work, Roskies also noted that an empathetic style of management was most effective. Empowerment is a great part of that. (Ross)

There are several styles o...

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...of America's Shooting Star award. The MSCA bestowed this award upon W.E. Bowers for "…demonstrating that every employee understands MSCA Star criteria and works to utilize the company's Star designation in every aspect of business operation." This authenticates W.E. Bowers' focus on teamwork and never overlooking any aspect of a company or any employee.

The multifaceted tool that is empowerment is an abstract but endlessly effective method to improving employee-employer relationships, lessening the stress level within the workplace, and increasing consumer satisfaction. By simply placing instilling a greater sense of trust within employees and communicating with all levels, information networks will open within a company and ideas will flow freely. The ability to motivate employees and give them satisfaction is invaluable to a company and should never be overlooked.

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