Empowerment Mindset Essay

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This paper will discuss what empowerment is and how to a person can develop an empowerment mindset. Developing a empowerment mindset will provide an individual with the tools to solve problems, mater skills used for their specific areas of employment, take initiative, and increase the competence of that individual. Developing an empowerment mindset can help in a person career, but it can also enhance your personal relationships. Empowerment can vary from person to person. A broad perspective of empowerment that the majority of people can relate too is based on setting goals and achieving them. A person needs to take control of their own goals they have set and do everything possible to achieve them. This also means that you need to be aware of your strengths and weaknesses so that your goals will be more attainable. While most of these goals can be personal, they can also be applied to a career setting. After recognizing your own goals, strengths and weaknesses; then you can develop an empowerment mindset. “We can all use the power we possess to …show more content…

It will help improve your work and yourself as a whole. In the Occupational Health journal they described ways to better to motivate themselves because in a lot of professions there is no one by your side to motivate you. Most professions think you need to motivate yourself. The journal said that each employee needed to establish smart goals, which mean specific, measureable, achievable, relevant, and timely. (Occupational Health 2008) Although they used this application for a work place setting, this can be used in your everyday life. Setting goals and using their methods is congruent with devising a strategic plan that I talked about earlier, and the ten empowerment laws will help guide your strategic plan. Having an empowerment mindset can be used everyday. It can be dedicated to your career, personal life, and your

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