The Importance Of Transitioning To High School

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I think that for many teenagers a problem that many high schoolers face is not being able to fit in. transitioning to high school is difficult and everyone is trying to find some friends they can feel comfortable with. For me, transitioning to high school was difficult, but I think the biggest challenge I faced was trying to fit in. I did not want to be popular or anything, I just wanted to be comfortable. sacrifice For nine years I went to a private school and when it was time for me to go to high school, my parents decided that I would go to a public high school just as my sister did. I was not mad at them because I knew that them paying for my education was a big sacrifice for them. I knew that my sister had a hard time but she was able …show more content…

The thing students did that I had found funny a year ago, weren't funny or interesting. It was just disrespectful to the teacher. Cussing did not amuse me, it sounded vein. It was like all my morals had kicked in. I distanced my self because I was scared that I would become like them. Of course not everyone was like that, but it felt that way. Everyone had their own groups that they would hang out with at lunch and I found myself just talking to maybe one or two people but never really connected with them. I joined cheer because I thought I would be able to make friends that I could hang out with during break and lunch and also because I thought it would be fun. It did not go exactly how I wanted to, but it was still fun. I grew very distant from everyone and it felt like they were obligated to make rumors about me because no one knew really anything about me. One guy decided that he would send out a random picture of a naked girl and say it was me. Many believed it was me and others weren't sure what to believe. Then some other boys decided to take a picture up my skirt and they sent it to everyone. I was pushed to my limits. I cried going to school everyday and I would fake sick just so I wouldn't have to face anyone. I guess all the crying in the morning made my mom realize that maybe it was best for me to transfer. But I would only be able to transfer if my brother agreed to attend as well because my parents couldn't afford it …show more content…

I still continue cheering because it is the only thing that makes me feel like I am a part of something. And now I am here; senior year, I still don't "fit in" but I'm happier. I have a couple of friends that I am very grateful for. Maybe the whole high school scene wasn't for me and I wasn't supposed to fit in, but I am grateful for the person that it has shaped me into, because of these experiences I am happy to say that I came out

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