The Importance Of Timber Industry In India

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Kozhikode district represents one of the economically advanced areas of the state. Several industries have been flourishing here from early days. These old time industries were mostly run on a small scale in the cottage of artisans themselves. Calicut became famous for wood industries. The Malabar District Gazetteer observes as ‘’the forest that clothe the western ghats from head to foot , and cover a greater part of the Wayanad plateau,besides making Calicut one of the most important timber mart in India,with the support of thousands of carpenters, sawyers and wood cutters and their numerous progeny.’’ Timber industry got greater economic importance gradually. The forests of the South Wayanad and Nilambur produced immense quantities of magnificent timber. The trees after being felled and roughly squared are dragged by the elephants to the nearest road or river to be carried or floated to the depots of the timber merchants on the coast. Road transport required more expensive than floating timbers on the river, because it needed loading and unloading workers. They reached at Kallai and Beypore and were mainly floated through the Chaliyar river or Beypore river. Comparatively low cost river transportation became the backbone of the wood …show more content…

The large cement yard between the Kallai station and bridge was once timber yard. The old aged famous saw mills were situated at west and east of this yard. The first one was Pyari and Company. With the coming of electricity, steam engines were replaced by motor engines. . With the construction of Conolly canal more and more wood were reach at Kallai. Most of the timbers came from Wynad and Nilambur region through Chaliar River. Cannolly canal was connected with Chaliyar. This made the easy transportation of woods to Kallai and that led to the emergence of a number saw

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