The Importance Of School Security

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Modern schools are designed with safety and security in mind. Due to the fact that most schools handle high numbers of students at a fast pace every day, security has become a science in these establishments. Both passive and active security measures are taken to defend a school from internal and external threats. When these measures fail or a school faces a threat that cannot be turned away such as a tornado or earthquake, it is important that proper disaster contingency plans are in place to minimize the danger. Just as in other fields, school security must keep up with modern technology and adapt to become more effective. It is true that the technology used to defend schools has grown in leaps and bounds over the last decade and schools have begun to use such high tech measures as automatic locks, electronic perimeter access control, and security cameras. Unfortunately, little has been done to merge security technology with personal technology. It is a reality of the modern age; almost everyone has an iPhone or an Android phone. These devices are capable of running a wide variety of applications, from games to social networks to utilities. Properly utilized, these devices can be used to increase overall campus security and augment existing safety measures.
Over the past several years, a phenomenon has occurred: crises on school grounds have become increasingly common. Since the 2012 catastrophe at Sandy Hook, there have been forty four school shootings in the United States. Though almost none of these events received any significant media attention, they are still an indication that security must be taken very seriously in schools. Fortunately, most schools have begun to make changes within the past decade. In the wake of C...

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...“it can happen here” until a crisis actually occurs. This type of unrealistic thinking puts everyone on a school campus at risk since the reality is, a crisis can happen anywhere. Even the smallest, most secluded schools can face a violent intruder on campus just as the largest can, and natural disasters can strike anywhere. “When do people want increased airport security? After a bomb or security scare. When do people want increased school security? After a crisis or tragedy occurs somewhere else. Months and sometimes weeks later, everyone forgets and it is back to normal” (Trump 19). In reality, school security isn't about inciting panic in a student body, it is really about helping avert a crisis before it happens, as working to stop one after it has happened is a mistake that can cost lives.
Through the careful observation of several school crisis case studies,

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