The Importance Of Overcoming Death

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Overcoming a person’s death or overcoming the idea of death can play a critical role in the development of the rest of your life. Death is the end of life. The cause or reason of someone’s death can become a major catalyst of how people live the rest of their life and cope after this event. Humans can attempt to overcome death in a myriad of ways; whether in a positive way, for example, finding comfort in others, turning to faith, reminiscing, “treasuring the memory” of the person, or simply accepting it and growing from it. Some deal with death in a negative way, such as denial, anger, erasing that person or a change of behavior. This paper will show evidence of how people overcome death using the poem, “The God Abandons Antony” by C.P. Cavafy, “My Mother’s Sin” by George Yizyinos, “Letter from a Sick Person”, …show more content…

These stories and their authors portray different possibilities and aspects of coping with death, whether positive or negative, as exemplified through their various characters.
The incident in which death occurs can play a crucial part in how the individual overcomes it. In some cases, death can leave an individual traumatized and basically mentally paralyzed for a time being after the incident. The way of overcoming death in these individuals would be to accept it. Accepting death is a positive way of coping. It consists of understanding that death is a part of life, treasuring the moments and growing from the impact that individual had. However, this may become difficult based on how the incident occurs. The story, “My Mother’s Sin” is a prime example of overcoming death. In this story, death plays a critical component. However, it is not a death that defines a person; it is how the person fights back after death. The mother, Despinio, in this story had a tough

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