The Importance Of Oligarchy In The United States

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The United States is not what it claims to be, which it’s a democracy. What it has become is an oligarchy, where the power resides at the wealthy and corrupt. For years the U.S. government has gotten away with fooling the citizens. What little remains of democracy is but a mere illusion of it.

Oligarchy happens when a small group of elite citizens take power in the government. This means that instead of the citizens having a say on political and economic decisions, only the small elite group decide what goes and what does not. Oligarchy doesn’t necessarily mean that all citizens are aware that that small group of people are in power, it can happen by power behind the throne, which means that someone or some people are controlling and influencing the decisions in a sneaky manner. According to Aristotle (A Greek politician and philosopher) every form of government, doesn’t matter if is a democracy, monarchy or dictatorship, will eventually succumb to oligarchy do to the nature of politics and humans greedy nature alike.

Many nations in today’s modern history are oligarchies. Some examples of countries that use the oligarchy system of government include Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, Pakistan and Tunisia. Russia is one of the major countries that oligarchy can clearly be seen in …show more content…

In a recently published paper, Adam Bonica and his associates have estimated that 0.01 percent of American households (one hundredth of one percent) contributed more than 40 percent of campaign contributions in 2012. This level is far higher than had been the case in recent years. In 1990 for example only about 10 percent of donations came from this small segment of the population. However, even the 40 percent figure represents an under-estimate. It does not include contributions to organizations that were not required to disclose their donors. Were they to be included, the figure would be even

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