The Importance Of Migration To The United States

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The United States, a nation founded on a variety of cultural backgrounds, is distinctly shaped by the waves of mass immigration that have occurred since the settling of the original colonies. For hundreds of years, the country has been shaped by the diversity of it’s growing population. With such a large demographic of different cultures, our society stands out through the variety of customs and social habits. Migration to the United States has deeply impacted the foundations of our society, which has molded our societal, economic, and political processes.
Immigration has occurred continuously throughout American history, but large-scale immigration occurs most often during times of economic growth and an increase in job opportunities. During the 1980’s a boom in economic …show more content…

The Central American Socialist party led an uprising of lower class citizens, peasants and indigenous people, in protest of the government. The government responded cruelly by massacring citizens involved in the protest. The military murdered between 10,000 and 40,000 natives during what is now referred to as the 1932 Salvadorian Peasant Massacre. Eventually, an armed conflict between Honduras and Salvador in 1969 halted trade, causing large amounts of economic damage to both nations. These conflicts only strengthened the military power, giving them more control over the countries domestic population. Soon socioeconomic equality would be worsened by the 1973 oil crisis which lead to inflation of food prices along with decreased agricultural production. The civil and political unrest would only continue, bringing extreme violence from both the militia and guerilla groups. Citizens of the country were deliberately targeted and terrorized by death squads employed by the Salvadoran

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