The Importance Of Love

653 Words2 Pages

We live in a society when human sexuality is seemingly in chaos. Sexually transmitted disease are epidemic. Teenage pregnancies are skyrocketing. Distinctions between genders have become confused. The merits of teaching abstinence are debated. The consequences of not teaching abstinence are dire. Virginity is commonly mocked.
In the midst of this confusion, the Song of Solomon declares a foundational principle for lovers. Three times it gives the exhortation “Do not stir up nor awaken love until it pleases.” (Song 2:7; 3:5; 8:4). In this way the poem recognizes that the erotic passions of youth can be aroused before a relationship of true commitment has been established.
Biblical love demands commitment. It delights in the gift of sexual pleasure, but the sexual relationship takes place in the only context worthy of it, marriage. Marriage, a bond in which both parties are growing together and being enriched emotionally and spiritually, as well as physically.
Sex, then, is a jewel that must await the right setting. As our culture shows, it is perilous to awaken passion before that setting has been provided. With Gods help anyone can remain chaste and allow sexual intercourse wait until marriage. But is sex before marriage wrong if a couple truly loves each other, is faithful, and eventually marries anyway? Premarital sex is still considered fornication and is a mortal sin against the sixth Commandment. A couple that is truly in love wants what is best for each other individually and as a couple. If a couple truly loves each other and desire for one another to be at their optimum health, they will mutually avoid what is harmful and dangerous to their health.
God chose to make man male and female, and to give him the power, ...

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...well being. Sex before marriage is not an act of love, it is an act of selfishness since there is no full or final commitment as there is in marriage. Sex before or outside of marriage cheapens the sacred act of covenantal love into a merely biological process to produce pleasure. It in essence becomes mutual masturbation, since the sex act becomes more important than the person with whom one is having sex. You are jeopardizing the spiritual and moral health of someone you claim to love just so you can sleep with them. Making sacrifices is what people in love do for each other. Parents sacrifice for their children. If one or both persons in a relationship are not willing to sacrifice and wait until the wedding night to have legitimate sexual relations, then they are saying that the relationship and the other person are not worth the effort to sacrifice and abstain.

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