The Importance Of Infographics

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Undoubtedly, you have heard of infographics. But, do you truly understand what they are, why they are important and how to use them effectively? If you answered “no” to any or all of these questions, keep reading to learn everything you need to know about infographics. What is an infographic? At its most basic level, an infographic is a visual expression of information that is presented in a way that displays the content. Infographics are excellent tools for expressing complex content is a way that is more understandable to people and helps to aid in their comprehension of the material. Unlike images that are used in conjunction with written material,infographics are are presented as stand-alone pieces of information that convey a self-contained …show more content…

Each of them performs a specific function. Visual elements Color coding, graphics, reference icons Content elements Time frames, statistics, references - Knowledge elements - Facts Types of Infographics There are several different types of infographics, each with its own specific use: Cause-and-effect (explaining causal relationships between conceptual stages) Chronological (explaining a process as it happens in time) Quantitative (convey statistically data quickly and clearly) Directional (navigate readers through information) Product. (convey information to employees and users) Why are Infographics so Popular? Infographics are so popular because audiences can absorb the information quickly and conveniently. It today’s hectic, fast-paced world, anything that is quick and convenient is seen as desirable. Using Infographics as Part of Your Content There is no doubt that content is a key part of a marketing strategy. But, it does not, and should not, need to stop at the written word. Here are some great reasons for using infographics in your business’s content: It presents information in a creative way The human brain is wired to remember images more than

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