The Importance Of Human Rights In The Book 'Angela's Ashe'

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Human rights are rights that is given to people since birth by government to provide justice and equalities. It enables the ability of people to protect themselves if their rights are being violated. During World War II, dictators often strip away people’s rights and ruled them by fear. Afterward, countries came together to form an organization called United Nation and promote the official Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the General Assembly to prevent the horror in World War II. Human rights contain the rights to life, liberty, security, freedom of expression and etc. In the novel “Angela’s Ashe” by Frank McCourt portrays Frank’s family living in poor conditions and struggle through poverty. The system in the novel “Angela’s Ashe” violates human rights which triggered Frank McCourt’s mental model to …show more content…

Even though, Frank doesn’t like it he tries to follow them to avoid trouble. Frank goes to a catholic school and the school rules are very strict, teachers will hit students with belts and sticks for laughing, being late to class and even speaking during class session. Based on Universal declaration of Human Rights, article 18 states “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.” In other words, you have the right to think on your own and believe and change any religion you want. Frank had to follow rules or else people will look at him differently. Teachers hitting students for laughing and talking in class also violates article 5 and 19 which is freedom of expression and right to not subjected to torture or punishment. These are examples that violates human

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