The Importance Of Human Population Growth

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QXT2 Task 4
Human population growth is unprecedented. Since 1950 the world’s population more than doubled and is still experiencing growth at an exponential rate. The United Nations has reported there are over 7 billion people coexisting on this planet with few if any limiting factors having a major impact on the overall growth rate. The organization also predicts by 2050, more than 9 billion people will inhabit Earth, however with this projection comes great concerns about the quality of life. It is predicted by some that the ecological services humans are the beneficiaries of will cease or be greatly strained. Exponential growth in the human population cannot continue without acknowledging the major changes that will ensue because of …show more content…

The rate of natural increase is equal to the birth rate (b) – death rate (d). Natural rates of population growth can be calculated using birth and death; however the more telling component of population growth is the longevity of a population’s members. People can attribute their longevity to better nutrition, greater access to medical care, improved sanitation, widespread immunization, more education, and more resource availability based on socioeconomic advantages.
As long as the birth rate is above the death rate a population grows. Exponential growth in populations is displayed using a J-curve. In humans each day the reproductive base gets larger, because more individuals are born than are dying. In human populations one must also take into account immigration and emigration. Certain regions of the world increase significantly by the influx of immigrants and although this occurrence does not directly increase world population totals it does shift gene pools and lends itself to more growth in one area of the world, while another area

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