The Importance Of Historical Knowledge

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In order to accurately assess and interpret history, the basis of investigation must be on finding the details of the past using multiple forms of analysis to construct one cohesive account. It is of utmost importance that the intent of discovering history, is in fact, uncovering what occurred in the past, not using history as a tool to support a belief or agenda. Furthermore, it is considerably important to approach the event from multiple different focus points, including but not limited to macro and micro economics, society as a whole and the individuals who form it, and cultural roles and customs. Finally, it is imperative to use the information gathered to craft one united description of the event in question. All of which are utilized …show more content…

History is, at its core, a science dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge concerning to the events that have shaped the world. Therefore, when one pursues history, their basis should be the pursuit of knowledge. The result of prioritizing historical knowledge, rather than searching for evidence to justify a doctrine, allows for an uncorrupt, authentic, investigation that is more likely to provide meaningful results. Consequently, if the pursuit of historical knowledge is not the center of investigation, the result is a product of the central investigation. This may not seem like an inherent problem, however, such actions reduce the importance of the actual history, and reduce its importance as secondary to to root cause of study. Such results are problematic as they are more a byproduct of confirmation bias, which is a form of logical fallacy thus rather avoided, than the actual pursuit of discovery. For this reason, it is quite important to enforce the sole purpose of discovery being a historical …show more content…

The, difference, however, from utilizing certain focus points to view history, and using history to look at certain dynamics, is that the former’s pursuit is still that of history, just using different tools to view it, while the latter uses history as a tool to look for non historical accounts. The events of life are a product of many interacting factors, many of which are important when looking to discover about past events. Some such factors include economics at the time, the roles both man and society play on each other, and the cultural influences and values. These factors not only help to better explain the events of history, but also give context to allow for more accurate assumptions on why certain events may have occurred, or reasons for why certain people may have behaved in a specific way. There also happens to be immensive value in looking into multiple angles, as each provides its own specific interpretation, and thus allows for a historian to put multiple pieces of the puzzle together. The result is like a tapestry woven together from many interlocking elements, creating an overall impressive and complex

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