The Importance Of Family Sub-System

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Time Time spent as a family was valued, even time spent with extended family. The father worked many hours. Therefore, weekend family time became important since the family functioned effectively when they were able to frequently spend time together. Time spent with extended family was far and few between, therefore, that time together was valued by everyone since they knew it would be a significant amount of time until they were together again. Money Influenced by the father’s side of the family, money was highly valued since money is needed for survival. Saving money, especially for retirement and passing onto future generations was a high priority. The father’s side of the family gained a large sum of money when farming was a lucrative …show more content…

When Trudi takes on her role as a parent then these two sub-systems help the family function efficiently, since the information flow is regulated. Melissa remains in the sibling sub-system and there is not an overshare of information from the parental sub-system. The kids are allowed to be kids and not take on unnecessary parental roles. During times of conflict in the parental sub-system there is a breakdown when the boundary becomes weak between the two subsystems as the mother and father overshare their conflictual stances with the children. The father will turn to Melissa for support and the mother tends to seek out her son for support. Member responsibilities and boundaries become skewed leading to dysfunction at a time when the sub-systems are supposed help the family maintain stability. This insight from my development years helps me understand how important boundaries are between sub-systems. When the boundaries become too permeable then the structure of the sub-systems within the family are not helping the family function efficiently. The experience will help me better convey, in an understandable manner, the complexities triangulation and how those triangulated relationships can be harmful to the sub-system structure that helps a family stay in

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