The Importance Of Discrimination In America

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Like many of you, I am deeply troubled by the events of the past few days. My mind is stressed by the senseless deaths, the anger and divisiveness, the finger-pointing, the political gamesmanship, and the fear.

At a time like this, it’s difficult for any of us to find words to say, let alone the right ones.

As an education blogger, it would be easy to simply say nothing. Politics and social sciences are not my expertise. No one is expecting anything. Many may not even care what I have to say. I understand that.

Yet, saying nothing does nothing which leads to nothing.

So, I have nothing to say but this.

What is happening in America?

I have always had immense pride in being an American. I was honored to serve as a Marine Corps Officer and …show more content…

But, America is hurting.

Let me ask this question.

What makes us “Americans?” It has to be more than just being born here, doesn't it?

How do we choose to define yourself? What labels take priority or matter the most?

Is it our race and ethnicity that are most important? Or is it our faith? Is Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Pagan, Agnostic, or Atheist, first? What about our gender or who we choose to love? How about our occupations? Are we Democrats or Republicans first? Liberal or Conservative first? Wealthy or poor?

Do we lean towards compassion or hate and distrust first?

Sadly, it seems like our nation is beginning to fracture along multiple fault lines, all defined by labels and absolutes. All defined by “if you’re not with me than you’re against me.”

I’m not sure what to do with that. I don’t know how we continue as a nation if we are seeing one another as enemies.

I don’t know what our children and grandchildren will inherit if we can’t find our common humanity. I don’t know what will happen to them if they are not given fundamental decency. I don’t know what will happen to all of us if we can’t treat one another with basic respect and

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