The Importance Of Death In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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When in love with someone you have an intense emotional connection and you feel like you would do anything for them, then if that loved one dies you feel a terrible sadness. In Shakespeare 's Romeo and Juliet, the ‘death’ of Juliet hit Romeo like a train. He aggressively reacts to the news of her ‘passing’ and his sudden acts change both their lives, before she fakes her death he eagerly throws himself into the relationship without out thinking of the risk, also Romeo is so in love with Juliet he is stubborn and ignores the advice his friends and mentors give him, and finally Romeo again jumps to conclusions very quickly, he buys poison to kill himself immediately. Romeo is the Hero with a fatal flaw he falls in love in the blink of an eye, …show more content…

Not only did the target of affections change, but in both cases he believes the girl he has his eye set on is the centre of his universe. He feels this way about Juliet before he’s even spoken to her. In this way Romeo’s behaviour is irrational. Even after Romeo professes his love, Juliet warns Romeo “The orchard walls are high and hard to climb/ And the place of death, considering who thou art/ If any of my kinsmen find thee here.” (2.2.63-65). Despite common knowledge and Juliet’s warnings, Romeo aggressively pursues a relationship with Juliet. This ultimately led to the tragic deaths of Romeo and Juliet. When Romeo jumped too quickly into a relationship with Juliet, he set she and himself up for disaster.

Throughout the play, Romeo’s friends and mentors tell Romeo that his behaviour is irrational and the way he is acting will lead he and Juliet to their deaths. Romeo ran as fast as he could to get to Friar Laurence’s cell to tell him about his exciting news and engagement to Juliet. Even though the Friar agrees to marry them, he warns Romeo that the young couple should take their time:
These violent delights have violent ends
And in their triumph die, like fire and

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