The Importance Of Confidentiality

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Confidentiality is a person's ability to keep crucial information and not share it. I will not break confidentiality and spread private information about a person or company. I have no right to spread the information of others. Example: A video game studio has a tightly held secret game concept that only employees know. They have committed a fair amount of resources and time to pre-produce. The production of the game must be kept under wraps until the company can make an official announcement. As one such employee, I have total access to that information. The company does not believe in requiring that employees sign waivers of confidentiality. They hope to run the company with the full trust of the employees. Since they do not have these waivers, it is up to our discretion to not spread the companies secrets. I could try to leak the information in hopes to get picked up by a better studio. I could profit immensely by doing this. However, that would violate the trust that the company has put on me. I will choose to hold on to that information and respect the confidentiality of that company even when I no longer work there. He who goes about as a talebearer reveals secrets, but he who is trustworthy in spirit keeps a thing hidden. (Prov 11:13); Argue you case with your neighbor himself, and do not disclose another’s secret. (Prov 25:9) …show more content…

They are trying to raise money for a new Church service. They will sell pieces of artwork to raise the money. They cannot pay me but need the art to sell. The money they will raise off my art will go to a new shelter program that feeds the homeless. I could demand a percentage of each sale or make sub par art to save money and time. Alternatively, I will give back to the community and be a service to the house of Christ. I will help them by making high-quality art for free so they may raise money. I offer up this service as a humble servant of

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