The Importance Of Communication Salutation

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It is important to address the person with the write name, it is common to misspell name and as you will appreciate that it is the easiest way to offend someone. For e.g. Sanjay & Sunjay are pronounced similarly but spelled differently.
Indicating why you are sending this particular piece of communication
Opening of the letter is nothing but the 1st paragraph where your creativity is needed the most. To set the tone for the communication and also remind him what was discussed in the last meeting / conversation that you had had with the customer
Will comprise of two parts
Part a: The current situation, the problems that they are facing and its implications
Part b: The solution that was discussed and …show more content…

For e.g. Sanjay & Sunjay are pronounced similarly but spelled differently.
Indicating why you are sending this particular piece of communication
Opening of the letter is nothing but the 1st paragraph where your creativity is needed the most. To set the tone for the communication and also remind him what was discussed in the last meeting / conversation that you had had with the customer
Will comprise of two parts
Part a: The current situation, the problems that they are facing and its implications
Part b: The solution that was discussed and how you have customised it (if genuinely done) to meet his requirements. You could possibly bring in the aspect of cost saving or problem resolution.
The concluding part of the letter would comprise of the summary and key highlights of the e mail, also it would end positively by expecting a positive response from the customer
Few Tips
Keep it Simple
• Use familiar words, short sentences and short paragraphs.
• Keep your subject matter as simple as …show more content…

Be human and as friendly as possible.
Write as if you were talking to your reader


It was both comical and sad. The electrical goods salesman was trying so hard. He'd come through the one-size-fits-all school of communication skills in which he'd learned a few rules for how to create rapport with people. And he was resolutely sticking to those rules.
He'd learned 'good eye contact' was important and was using every trick in the book to get the customer to look him in the eye - asking her direct questions, pausing after she answered, mentioning her name and then pausing, and so on. But the customer was having none of this.
She wasn't into this eye contact thing at all and successfully countered all of the salesman's efforts. She'd look at the product, out the window, at the ground, the ceiling, in fact anywhere except into the salesman's eyes.
What do you think was the problem?

What would you do if you were in the place of the salesman?


The situation is that of a conference call where the people involved are the Project Manager, your American client, some on-site associates and you. The call was scheduled to start at 0930hrs (East Coast Time) and did start at that time. Everyone, except the Project Manager was in on the call at the scheduled

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