The Importance Of An Apology Essay

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It’s so interesting to me that the hardest thing to say or admit can have such an incredible affect on a relationship. It’s another one of those de-structive things that people pick up without realizing the consequences. Because many of us didn’t hear someone–usually our parents– say they were sorry, or admit that they were wrong, we didn’t learn or understand how important an apology is. We didn’t learn the importance of an apology because we were taught to fear or be ashamed of being wrong; when we should have been taught that there is nothing to be ashamed of when you’re wrong or don’t know something. When you’re wrong, or you don’t know something and you can admit it, it is an opportunity to learn and grow. That is nothing to fear or be ashamed of, but for some reason we perpetuate the myth of seeing an apology as weakness. There are many people that mistake not apologizing as a sign of strength. They fool themselves into believing that to apologize would make them seem weak, or put them in a vulnerable position. The truth is there is absolutely nothing strong about hurting someones feelings. When you don’t or can’t apologize what it does say to them is that you don’t respect them or care about their feelings. I don’t think we realize what are actions or lack …show more content…

They will make excuses for the other persons bad behavior, they will justify the other persons bad behavior, but at the end of the day bad behavior is still bad behavior. Remember we only know what we have been shown by our “Tribe” and/or “Village,” and for that reason a person may demonstrate bad behavior because they don’t know any better and because it’s what they witnessed and assumed was love. It is each of our job to convey what is and is not okay as well as what we do and do not consider loving in a relationship to our

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