The Importance Of Agenda Setting In The Media

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This is a great way to get people to consume and want your product without knowing that you are behind it. This was they wont feel pressured and uncomfortable by having people market to them directly, which makes people more inclined to look up my brand and purchase something.
In the media there are many different strategies used, but one of the most powerful tools is agenda setting. Agenda setting tells people what to think about, but not what to think. This concept creates public awareness of salient issues by the news and media. The media does not reflect reality, but it filters and shapes it. The media also focuses on a few issues and subject, which leads the public to perceive certain issues as more important compared to other. This is …show more content…

Framing is applied to a currently held schema. A schema is how you perceive the world. How a message is presented changes the meaning of the information. Overall, framing is a set of concepts and perspectives on how individuals, groups, and societies organize, perceive and communicate about reality through mass media sources, social and political movements, leaders, or other organizations. The media focuses on certain events and then places them within a field of meaning and framing works to organize message meanings. By selectively putting information out for the public to interpret, it is inevitable that it has a selective influence over people’s perception of the meanings attributed to words or phrases.. The concept interacts with agenda setting because it doesn’t only tell the audience what to think about (agenda setting), but it also tells the audience how to think about that issue , which is how the issue is framed. There are two types of framing that were mentioned this year, episodic framing and thematic framing. Episodic framing is taking each individual episode and treating it as it’s own individual thing. This includes placing the blame on individuals and not the theme that they fall into. Thematic framing is talking about episodes as a theme – framing of a situation as a larger theme. The process of framing important to me because how things are presented to people, such as myself, influences the choices …show more content…

When marketing an idea, the idea must be spreadable because “ideas that spread, win.” Seth Godin stated that buying adds on television and trying to buy peoples attention isn’t working like it used to. The world offers so many different choices for people to choose from and not a lot of time. This means that it is more likely now for consumers to ignore things, so you have to be REMARKABLE to get attention and be noticed. He used the example that if people see a regular cow they don’t even notice it or they ignore it, but if they saw a purple cow they would notice it. Godin also mentions that if you are able to find people who really care about what you have to say, and who are really passionate, and then make it easy for them to tell their friends then that is how you make your ideas spread. This concept is important to me because it also affects my life daily. It determines what products I buy and what I chose to pay attention to. Without me knowing it, the remarkable ideas that grab my attention are shaping my life. This concept I will use forever because I know if I want my ideas to be heard and noticed they need to be remarkable and spreadable. I know that I have to take risks and not be safe, because no one likes traditional and remarkable is more powerful. I can use this in any business that I choose to work in, at any time in my life in order to be successful and remarkable! People

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