The Impact Of Self-Driving Vehicles On Society

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The purpose of this team project is to evaluate the innovative technology of self-driving vehicle’s and its impact on society. Self-driving vehicles are no longer just a part of science fiction. With how reliant humans have become on the use of vehicles, especially in the United States, companies saw an opportunity for innovation in transportation. What are the proposed benefits and risks of self-driving vehicles? Is there a market for this technology? Is society ready for the self-driving vehicle evolution? These questions in addition to the pros and cons, political considerations, malfunction risks, applications for science, and ethical considerations will be explored in depth using current journal articles and studies to support the …show more content…

Currently, several major companies including Tesla, BMW, Nissan, and Google are developing and testing their own model vehicles with plans to release the technology to market. Autonomous cars are no longer just a farfetched idea of futuristic science-fiction writing; they are real and they are upon us. Automakers will incrementally add autonomous features in existing cars, which allows them to monitor these features and as well as test them in real conditions. Some of these features may already be on your vehicle such as Automated Park Assist Technology, Adaptive Cruise Control Technology, and Automated Highway Driving Assistant. We continue to see a growing market for self-driving vehicles from ride sharing, commercial use, and the private sector. It is estimated that autonomous and self-driving cars will grow by 15-17% over the next ten years. As these technologies continue to advance, we will always be faced with the difficult decisions that impose regulations on how far autonomous and self-driving vehicles will take us. Before 2011, there was no existing federal or state legislation could be found explicitly prohibiting self-driving and autonomous vehicles on our roadways. Today many states allow self-driving vehicles being tested such as California, Nevada, Michigan, and Florida to name a few. The future is bright for self-driving vehicles and the states that allow the automakers to test their latest technological advances. The question that remains is how fast we can expect to see a fully autonomous vehicle on our roads. We believe sooner than everybody

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