The Iceman Research Paper

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The Iceman constitutes the first prehistoric human ever found with his everyday clothing and equipment, and presumably going about his normal business; other similarly intact bodies from prehistory have been either carefully buried or sacrificed. He brings us literally face to face with the remote past (Paul Bahn, 1996). When Otzi died up on the mountain 5,300 years ago, his final resting place was a trench that ironically saved him. With his body face down over a bolder, large rocks lined the small nook he was in. Eventually, massive amounts of snow fell over the body, the snow compacted and froze forming a glacier. Over thousands of years the glacier built up layers and inched its way forward. Because of the trench Otzi was in, the ice creaked along above him, completely shielding him from any outside influences for many years. …show more content…

The only real knowledge of clothing of from this period was found with otzi. He wore thick shoes with bearskin soles, deerskin insteps and chamois uppers, laced up and stuffed with shredded tree bark for extra insulation. On his body, he wore leggings, a loincloth and a poncho all made of goat skin and a cap of bear fur was strapped to his head. (Justin pollard, 2007) the clothes themselves provides an example of ancient manufacturing technologies, but also a proving they had access to domesticated animals, which is an indication for a more progressive – pastoral agricultural – society. Said lead researcher kaus hollemeyer of Saarland university in Germany. And if his clothes were "exclusively made from wild game, this would be a sign for [a more primitive] gatherer-hunter society with no access to domesticated species like sheep, goat, or cattle," Hollemeyer said by email.

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