The Hundred Years War: Struggle Between England And France

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The Hundred Years' War was a drawn-out struggle between England and France over accession of the French throne. It started in 1337 and ended in1453, so, it's not actually a 100 year war; to be more specific it was 116 years long. The war begins with a number of successes by Britain, and the English forces have ascendancy over France for decades. The struggle fluctuates back and forth. During the 1360s, the French are winning; from 1415-1422 the English are winning. Then, in 1415, King Henry V of England reestablishes the campaign and defeats England, wining back large portions of France. In 1422 and there after, the French attack, with an advantage. A girl named Joan of Arc, was sent from God to lead the French troops to victory; and she succeeded.

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