The House On Mango Street Trapped Essay

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Trapped in Your Own ‘House’ Being trapped is a despicable feeling that many people have experienced one way or another. In The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros, being trapped is the theme that threads throughout this series of vignettes. That theme is especially emphasized in the chapters “Rafaela Who Drinks Coconut and Papaya Juice on Tuesdays”, “Linoleum Roses”, and “Minerva Writes Poems”. Throughout the one chapter Rafaela appears in, she never departs her abode to engage with society. Confined in her house, her only communication with the outside world are her conversations with the neighbor kids outside of her window. She says, “Kids, if I give you a dollar will you go to the store and buy me something?” (79-80). Sinking to the level where kids are her only contact shows how trapped she is, because someone who is free would be looking for more gratifying and stimulating interactions. And the …show more content…

Her age ends up imprisoning her because she might have her judgment clouded by unrealistic ideas of marriage youth have, so she may not been able to make a thoughtful decision before marrying her husband. “... she married him in another state where it’s legal to get married before eighth grade” (101). If she married before even being a teenager, she automatically loses the freedom that comes with being an unburdened adolescence. Aside from that, her husband imposes rules and regulations to trap her further. “Except he won’t let her talk on the telephone. And he doesn't let her look out the window” (101-102). Sally’s husband attempts to prevent any chance of freedom and escape by entangling her in rules and stopping her from having a life outside of their abusive marriage. Sally never asks to be withheld from the world, but she still is because of her unknowing innocence and horrible

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