The House On Mango Street Research Paper

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Four Raggedy Excuses Planted by The City In the book The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros, the main character Esperanza compares herself to a group of four trees outside her house she never really liked. In the vignette she connects herself to the trees because they have skinny necks and pointy elbows just like her. A second way that Esperanza connects herself to the trees is by saying that they do not belong there, but are there anyway. Esperanza has always wanted to leave Mango Street and live in a house on a hill away from all the problems Mango Street has to offer. Esperanza is inspired by the strength of this sad group of trees “Their strength is secret. They send ferocious roots beneath the ground. They grow up and they grow down and grab the earth between their hairy toes and bite the sky with …show more content…

This is how they keep.” (pg.74). In the vignette Esperanza says that she turns to the trees when she feels depressed and that the trees remind her to keep going “When I am too sad and skinny to keep keeping, when I am a tiny thing against so many bricks, then it is I look at trees”(pg.75). Esperanza also says that the trees are the only ones who understand her and that she is the only one who understands them. Esperanza has a fondness for these trees, perhaps they inspire her because their only reason for being is to be. Esperanza’s sister, Nenny, does not appreciate the trees like Esperanza does. Esperanza is most likely the only one who can see the beauty and fortitude of the trees that grow outside her house despite concrete. Esperanza can take a life lesson from the trees. The lesson would be that determination can get you anywhere. Esperanza later moves away from Mango Street but does not forget where she came from and what made her the person she became. Esperanza does not truly leave Mango Street because she continues to write about it and help those that could not leave have a

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