The House On Mango Street Outcasts Essay

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There are always outcasts, and they are not always outcasts for the same reasons. An outcast is a person who does not like what is popular. They do not do what is popular. They have may have issues like disabilities. Sandra Cisneros's The House on Mango Street shows us how society often treats outcasts. Outcasts often like unusual things. "But I like them. Their clothes are crooked and old. They are wearing shiny Sunday shoes without socks. It makes their bald ankles all red, but I like them. Especially the big one who laughs with all her teeth. I like her even though she lets the little one do all the talking." (Our good day pg 15) They might not have the best appearance, but they are still good people. "Is a good girl, my friend, studies …show more content…

"But next year Louie's parents are going to send her back to her mother with a letter saying she's too much trouble, and that is too bad, because I like Marin." (Marin pg 27) Marin may be troublesome, but Esperanza still likes her, anyway. "They're not like ordinary playing cards, these cards. They're strange, with blond men on horses and crazy baseball bats with thorns. Golden goblets, sad-looking women in old-fashioned dresses, and roses that cry."(Elenita, cards, palm, water pg 63) People do not usually understand fortune tellers. "Ruthie sees lovely things everywhere. I might be telling her a joke and she'll stop and say: The moon is beautiful like a balloon. Or somebody might be singing and she'll point to a few clouds: look Marlon Brando. Or a sphinx winking. Or my left shoe." (Edna's Ruthie pg 68) Outcasts can have a poor train of thought. "Bums, I'll say, and I'll be happy." (Bums in the attic pg 87) Esperanza may have bums in her attic, but it will not bother her. "My mother says when I get older my dusty hair will settle and my blouse will learn to stay clean, but I have decided not grow up tame like the others who lay their necks on the threshold waiting for the ball and chain." ( beautiful and cruel pg 88) Esperanza has decided to stay

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