The Hero's Quest Analysis

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Phoenix’s expedition to save her grandson follows the outline, essentially referred to as “The Hero’s Quest”, predicted by Joseph Campbell. Campbell states that the first step into the plot of mythological story entails the reader know of the hero’s original world. Phoenix originates from Old Natchez Trace, the town in which her and her grandson live. Based on the described condition of her grandson, Phoenix’s grandson suffers from asthma. This leads to the second stage of “The Hero’s Quest”, which was known as “The Call”. Upon witnessing her grandson’s severe sickness, Phoenix travels by foot from Old Natchez Trace to the city in order to retrieve medicine for her ill grandson. As a result, stage three of “The Hero’s Quest” ignites. “Refusal …show more content…

The “Ordeal” may be a dangerous physical test or a deep inner crisis that the hero must face in order to survive. Phoenix’s ordeal is not as terrorizing as having to kill a dragon or face a powerful enemy, but involves her coming to terms with her present situation. Phoenix herself is quickly approaching old age and will not be able to care for her grandson. Phoenix’s distress and worry over her sick grandson and limited amount of time has resulted in her becoming mad. Although Phoenix’s future state of mind was not clarified by the author, it can be inferred that she did not get any better. This brings the reader to stage nine of “The Hero’s Quest”, “Reward”. At this point Phoenix has reached her location, a small shop in which she must retrieve the medicine for her ill grandson. Once earning her prize, Phoenix enters the last three stages in the “The Hero’s Quest”: “The Road Back”, “Resurrection”, “Return with the Elixir”. These last three stages are the conclusion to a hero’s story. During this time, the hero will return home,but will have grown as person and faced many dangers. The hero will leave with the satisfaction that he or she has completed the

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