The Heart Of The Sourdough Comparison

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Nature is a abundant in every single human's life since the beginning of time. The depiction of man in nature can be recognized in Ernest Hemingway's story the Big two Hearted River and, The Heart of Sourdough by Robert Service. The Heart of the Sourdough is a poem of a man who is interacting with nature and the power it holds over his life. He also depicts how almost mythical and ever changing nature is in relation to his life. The Big Two Hearted River is a short story of a man and his trip out into the wilderness. During this trip he reflects on how nature has and is affecting him through the plot of fishing for salmon. The importance of these stories proves true as, they both share how man is interacting with nature at a constant and rapid pace. The author does this by repeating words, and letting nature lead them into subconscious thought. …show more content…

“ There “ is used to show how forceful nature is and how man is just a small piece to a larger puzzle. For Example “There where the mighty mountains bare their fangs unto the moon…..There where the livid tundras keep their tryst with the tranquil snows;.......There where the rapids churn and roar, and the ice-floes bellowing run.” Man is just a small part of a much larger picture and of natural elements interacting with one another. “ I” in the second section is the writer's reflection on his interaction with nature. For example, ”I long for a whiff of bacon and beans, a snug shake-down in the snow,......Even as lean wolf-dog goes down will I go down and die.” The writer in this poem is recognizing nature's ability to preserve and dictate

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