Contradictory Perceptions of Nick's Father in Hemingway's 'In Our Time'

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In the first chapter of “In Our Time” Ernest Hemingway we learn about Nick and his relationship with his father, who is a doctor at the Indian Camp to the Indians. In my opinion, I believe that Nick’s father is overall a good man. He seems as though he is a very compassionate, and caring person, he decided to take the journey to the Indian Camp to help a woman who had been in labor for two days. The quote, “The two boats started off in the dark” show how willing Nick’s father is to do his job, not caring what time it is, if his doing his job in helping a sick person. Another quote that shows Nick’s father as a good doctor who is very delicate when doing his work, “’Those must boil,’ he said, and began to scrub his hands in the basin of hot water with a cake of soap he had brought from the camp. Nick watched his father’s hands scrubbing each other with the soap… very carefully and thoroughly.” However, I don’t think Nick’s father is a good man. He seems to be a male chauvinist and callous, who doesn’t care for the Indian woman’s pain. A quote where he portrays his sexism, “’Oh, Daddy, can’t you give her something to make her stop screaming?’ asked Nick. ‘No. I haven’t any anesthetic,’ his father said. ‘But her screams are not important. I don’t hear them because they are …show more content…

A quote that demonstrates this is, “’How do you like being an interne?’ Nick said, ‘All right.’ He was looking away so as not to see what his father was doing.” In my opinion, Nick is traumatized by this experience, he comes to a point where his not capable of looking at the things his father is doing. Because of all the things that Nick has experiences during the night, he comes to believe “that he would never die.” This is because he believes that it is impossible for such thing to occur to him even after he witnessed it. This demonstrate his lack of maturity which is understandable, he’s just a

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