The Great Gatsby Title Analysis

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1. Analyze the title. F. Scott Fitzgerald likely chose to title this story “The Great Gatsby” because the story is centered around Jay Gatsby and the grandiose life he has made for himself. Everyone in the West Egg either knows or has heard about Gatsby and the lavish lifestyle he lives, so that is presumably why Fitzgerald titled the novel “The Great Gatsby.”

2. Analyze the time-period in which the novel was written.

The Great Gatsby was written in the midst of the 1920’s, otherwise known as the Roaring Twenties or the “Jazz Age.” This was just after World War I, when the economy was thriving. Fitzgerald portrays multiple characters in Gatsby as wealthy, greedy, and materialistic, thus providing the audience with insight as to how he viewed
9. Analyze the tone.

The Great Gatsby is written with condescending, objective, and somber tones. It is condescending due to the way Fitzgerald writes about the upper class, almost talking down to them and describing them as greedy. This is apparent when he writes “They were careless people Tom and Daisy. They smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.”

10. Analyze the point of view.

The story is told from the point of view of Nick Carraway, a self-proclaimed honest man that befriends Gatsby and shares his story through the eyes of a caring friend.

11. Analyze the author’s

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