The Great Gatsby: The Houses Of West And West Egg

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The Houses of West and East Egg
The houses in West Egg, were owned by people of new money. Lottery winners, young gamblers, and even smart men with low paying jobs in the bonds industry. There are two men that we get to know in The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, that live in West Egg. First, the man himself, Mr. Jay Gatsby. His house is known for the most lavishes parties, filled with only the most prestigious people in town. Gatsby made sure everyone knew his name, and knew that it was his house. Although anyone barely even knew Gatsby, they knew of him. But most would wonder why he had the parties weekend after weekend, but hardly engaged into them himself.
Jay Gatsby meticulously placed his house across the bay; when looking across you could see another, more sophisticated home. This belonged to Tom and Daisy Buchanan. Gatsby wanted his home, so that Daisy would fall in love with it. He wanted these parties so that daisy would come to them. Gatsby was in love with daisy, and proved it with his house. …show more content…

Which is known to be full of people who have inherited family money, also known as old money. Now the Buchanan's house was nothing like Gatsby’s. It gave the vibes of a great colonial family palace. It was modern, with a georgian feel to it. Everything was calm, and elegant in the home. The Buchanan’s home is a symbol of the simple kind of girl Daisy is. It is built with enough yard for their daughter to play in aswell. The inside was very bright and had a hallway full of Tom’s trophies, jerseys, and prizes from back in his football days. If these two houses were placed next to each other, the two extremely different houses would clash, just like Daisy and Gatsby do when he tries to get her back. The two homes are a symbol of how different the two once lovers truly are. They might think at first they can just jump right back to where they left off, but time will tell that this is not the

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