The Great Gatsby Dialectical Journal

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Before Pickard went away to the war he had never been allowed to drive the family motor car. Now, after the war, nothing was changed in the town except the young girls. Their hair all done, the missing boot scuffs and a clean trim; they were grown up. But they lived in such a complicated world of already defined alliances and shifting feuds that Pickard did not feel the energy or the courage to be a part of. He liked to look at them, though. There were so many good-looking young girls. When he went away only little girls wore their hair like that or girls that were fast. He liked to watch them walking and talking under the shade of the trees. He liked their silk stockings and flat shoes. He liked their bobbed hair and the way they walked. When he was in town, he did not appeal to the girls very much. Maybe it was because he was not as well groomed, or that he……..He had tried several times to make conversation, but never mustered up the courage to do so. He felt like he was too different. The one time he approached one of them with gentle words, they turned him down. “How may your day be pretty …show more content…

He signed, with no intentions to share his feelings. “I am so awkward. I can’t talk to anyone and no one wants talk to me, because i’m so… awkward” Pickard answered. He did not think he was going to tell anybody about how he felt, so he was surprised by the words that came out of his mouth. She looks at me with so much love and says “I dont think thats true. You are my son! I can’t see why anyone would not want to talk with you.” Pickard laughed slightly to himself as she continued. “The girls here would be lucky to have dinner with you. I know how girls can get around handsome men like you.” Its true, when girls are around men they act their best. They dress in their nicest dress, and do their hair real pretty. But they don’t do that with Pickard. He looks at his mother and smiles because he just want her to stop talking, and

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