The Great Gatsby Creative Writing

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It all began with a simple phone call one night after dinner. “Anna,” my father hollered up the stairs, “it’s for you. It’s Sam, and he sounds excited.” As I bolted down the stairs to pick up the phone, I was thrilled. Sam was finally back from his college visit in California, and now he was here. My heart raced as I heard his car pull into the driveway. I immediately grabbed my jacket and ran outside to meet him. “Don't be long! And be safe!” my dad yelled. “No need to worry, we are just going to Downtown Plymouth. I’ll have her home by eight.” replied Sam. He grabbed my hand and opened the door as we got into his 2003 Taurus. I glanced over at him as he drove. It was one of those moments where life feels surreal and I wondered how I was so …show more content…

“Anna, the problem is that this college is perfect for me. The football coach was really impressed and I have the grades to get in. I am going to go to California.” I lost my breath as my heart sank. My worst fear just became reality. The love of my life is leaving. Soon our dates will turn into long talks on the phone. I won't be able to hug him when he is upset. I still have a whole year in this hell hole of a school while he will be miles away living out his dream. Everything will be so different. With that same fake smile I opened my mouth and uttered, “Wow! T-thats so exciting!”. I felt the tears build. “When will you start?” I added, trying to sound happier. “I still got a couple more weeks here to get packed but I’ll be there by the end of the month. Listen, I know this is a lot to hear at once but we will make it work, babe. People have long distance relationships that last for years.” he exclaimed optimistically. I was choked up and tears pushed their way through my tight eyelids. He swiftly wrapped his arms around me and that helped for some reason. Sam has a special effect on me where when we hug, all the chaos fades for a few moments. Who knows, maybe we can make this

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