The Great Gatsby This Side Of Paradise Analysis

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F. Scott Fitzgerald is a famous novelist known for his numerous works, such as The Great Gatsby. In his novels, Fitzgerald uses a lot of the same concepts and themes to have the same story line in these works. The Great Gatsby and This Side of Paradise are two examples of Fitzgerald’s use of similar characteristics.
In Fitzgerald’s works, losing love to someone of a higher status is a recurring motif. In The Great Gatsby, Gatsby and Daisy are two lovers, brought apart by war. During this time Daisy marries a man named Tom, an extremely privileged young man, because of her need for love and falls in love with the wealth, rather than the man and the “perfection” that comes with it. When returning from the war, Gatsby sees their life in the newspapers …show more content…

Amory spends the entire story seeming like he is always wanting something more but unlike Gatsby; he never has motivation to pursue things in life. During his time in college he decides to leave and enlist in the war. On his return he falls in love with a woman who leaves him and he spends his time in the next weeks drinking up until the prohibition. The prohibition ends his drinking binge and allows him to accept his lost but since he can no longer drink to releave his pain, he remains depressed and pinning for Rosalind. While Gatsby used to the prohibition era to help him in his quest for the one he loves, Amorys experience with it makes his situation worse because up until the time he used alcohol to take away the pain for his lost love. The idea of wanting something you cannot have with this time relates to Amory just like Gatsby in the way that neither of them are able to get their lost love back and no matter how hard they try their efforts are never enough for the women they love so their thirst for love and acceptance is never

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