The Great Gatsby

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The original story of the great Gatsby had appeared in the mid-20s in a novel written by the American Writer F. Scott Fitzgerald. The story is primarily centered on the millionaire Jay Gatsby’s hopeful efforts to obtain his dreams. Pursuing happiness and achieving dreams by working hard to acquire the golden tool, money, to do so, was themed in the novel. Many adaptations have been created stressing the importance of this classic American literature work. Five of these adaptations were movies released in 1926, 1949, 1974, 2000, and the latest in 2013. By looking at the years in which these adaptations were created, one can absolutely realize that the theme in the novel does not only represent the era of its time, the twenties, but it also exhibits one of the core principles in the American culture, the American Dream, and examines its influence on Americans in the following eras as well. The latest of the adaptations is The Great Gatsby movie in 2013, directed by Baz Luhrmann, and starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Tobey Maguire, Carey Mulligan, Joel Edgerton, and others. This movie is a modernized production of the Great Gatsby detailing Fitzgerald’s plotline in an up-to-date spirit; it is a contemporary depiction of the illusion of the American dream by which people are still nowadays taken, the illusion that material prosperity could lead them to their dreams, and subsequently, the utmost happiness. The American dream ideal is as old as the first emergence of the settlers into the New World. Among them was group of Separatists that was escaping the persecutions of the religious church in England. In 1620, they, led by William Bradford, established a government by signing the Mayflower Compact. The Mayflower Combat united all those settlers who believed that no one could command them and so, as it was written by William Bradford in Of Plymouth Plantation, they would “use

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