The Graveyard Book Sparknotes

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Introduction The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman is a novel about the adventures of Nobody Owens, a young boy who was raised by the ghosts of a graveyard. It is divided in 9 chapters (including an interlude). Two years pass in between each chapter, showing the different stages of Nobody’s childhood. Body In the first chapter, we are told the story of how Nobody (also known as Bod) came to the graveyard. One night, the man Jack murders Bod’s family. As he creeps to Bod’s crib, he realizes Bod is missing. Bod ends up in the graveyard, where Ms. Owens finds him and decides to be his new mother. Silas, a being which dances between being alive and dead becomes his guardian. As years pass, Bod learns many skills from the dead. In the Second chapter, …show more content…

She is much more strict and distant than Silas. Bod doesn’t like her and gets mad. He sits in a grave which was like what he felt. Three little people arrive and tell him that they’re going to a marvelous place. They turned out to be ghouls, people who don`t remember about their past, but become famous people, indirectly saying that death gets everyone. They were quite crazy and wanted Bod to become one of them. Bod realizes he’s in trouble, and at the last second, Miss Lupescu comes to save him. In the fourth chapter, Bod is old not to go to a corner of the graveyard, because a witch was buried there. Nevertheless, Bod meets the witch, and …show more content…

After an adventure involving being kidnapped by a shop owner, he gets back, and makes a little headstone for her. I think that the witch was very kind with Bod (for example she healed Bod when he sprained his ankle and helped him get out of the shop). I couldn’t really understand why they wanted Bod to stay away from her. Silas seemed surprised when Bod commented about the witch helping him, so I can conclude that maybe she had done something wrong but regretted it. In the fifth chapter, Danse Macabre, everyone acts different one night, and when it turns to day, Bod decides to visit the Egyptian Crypt, where some adults were picking flowers, but they don’t see Bod. Everyone is missing the next night, so he decided to leave the graveyard. He saw a lady, which he had seen at the Crypt, giving out the flowers. Bod asked for one and heard music. He joined a crowd, and suddenly, the ghosts appeared and pairs of living and dead were formed. Everyone danced, and after the last song the ghosts disappeared, leaving no trace. Everyone in the crowd left, confused. When Bod went to the graveyard to ask about

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