Grangers: Pioneers of Populism and Economic Equality

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The Granger’s goal is “For our business interests, we desire to bring producers and consumers, farmers and manufacturers into the most direct and friendly relations possible” (Declaration of Purposes of the Patrons of Husbandry 1874). The Grangers, Aka The Patrons of Husbandry are a group of farmers who believe in the idea of populism. This is the idea of supporting the concerns of ordinary people such as the farmers and working class of the U.S. Their mission is to protect against “excessive salaries, high rates of interest, and exorbitant per cent profits in trade.” The Grangers also wanted to speak out against monopolies and create equal business for everyone. Eventually the Grange failed, but their ideas and principals helped shape America’s government and economy decades later.
In 1892, the Populist Platform created by Grangers, voiced their opinion about the corruption in Congress and the government, causing the people to become demoralized. Some of the corruption is through subsidized newspapers, no public opinion, huge home mortgages, poverty, and capitalists controlling industry for their own wealth. They believe that wealth should come from a person who earns it and the capitalists who …show more content…

It was opposed by the Grangers because it raised prices on essential items needed to survive and caused an inflation. This idea of currency only benefited the wealthy, capitalists, and gave the middle class an unfair advantage. William Jennings Bryan believed that all people employed should not be treated any better than others. He wanted to stick up for the homes and families that are under this form of unfair industrial practices. In Bryan’s speech, he says “you shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns. You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold” (William Jennings Bryan, 1896), meaning man will not be enslaved under the industrial

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