The Giver Dystopia Essay

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Have you ever imagined about dystopian society? This society doesn't have wars, murdering or bad behaviors. The community in the giver, it is a Dystopian society. Dystopia society is safe, comfortable but, not free. They don't have any emotions like love, sad, hurt... There are three main reasons why I think community in the Giver is exactly Dystopia.
First, information, independent thought, and freedom are restricted. They cannot choose their own job because the committee is choosing citizen's job. Also, they cannot choose their wife or husband. That means, it's unable to love each other truly. All of their behaviors are restricted. Other hours of the day are regulated and they don't want to tell a dream. But, they should because, it's the …show more content…

Pills take away pieces humanity, because they make people take pills. So, they cannot respond in the right way. Jonas's father released baby, trash baby. But, he doesn't have any emotions. This isn't a right way. If people release people. It's just a normal behavior. Next, in this community, birth mother birth and, community organizes family members. Also, they cannot choose their job. Every time the committee chooses people's jobs. For example, Jonas's job is selected by committee too.
Lastly, citizens are perceived to be under constant surveillance. Committee is always watching people. There are CCTV camera everywhere. House, building, school, streets... If they did bad behavior, they will get punished. So, the committee always surveillance people. This community should tell their dream every morning because it's the rule. For example, Jonas and Lily also said a dream every morning.
To sum up, the giver society is exactly dystopia. It is not free, restricted, citizens are perceived to be under constant surveillance. Also, people are living in a dehumanized state. This community might be safe, but not free. They could not live what they want. They also doesn't have feelings. This society doesn't know love, sad.. Emotions. This community is such as a hell I

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