Character Analysis Of Jonas In 'The Giver'

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What would you do if you lived in a world without color, feelings; a place without memories? Jonas is a boy that just became a Twelve, who lives in a world without these things. Being a Twelve is an important in the community because that is when they acquire their jobs. Being the Receiver of Memory becomes Jonas’ job; one of the most important positions in the community. After Jonas receives memories of the world before the community was made, his personality starts to change Before he became the Receiver of memory, Jonas was dependent on his community, but because of his job, the memories, and his relationship with Gabe, he became more and more independent. To start, Jonas became more independent when he chosen as receiver of …show more content…

So, the fact that he is not able to share anything to anyone else makes him more independent. Also, in his job he meets the Giver who helps him see color which contributed to his independence. The colors first appeared when he played catch with Asher using a apple. Suddenly the apple “changed”. Jonas didn’t know what happened so he consulted the Giver and figured out that he was seeing the color red. In the book it states “He put his hands on Asher’s shoulders, and concentrated on the red of the petals, trying to hold it as long as he could, and trying at the same time to transmit the awareness of red to his friend. ‘What’s the matter?’ Asher asked uneasily. ‘Is something wrong?’” (Page 100) This means that the people other than the people with pale eyes cannot see memories or color by transmission. Jonas is forced to be independent because only he and the Giver can see colors and no one else can see or understand

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