How Does Lois Lowry Use Situational Irony In The Giver

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In The Giver Lois Lowry creates a utopian society to show her opinion on it. She uses Jonas and irony to show why a dystopian can be better than a utopian. Lois Lowry states her opinion on Utopian society through the use of verbal, dramatic, and situational irony.

Lois Lowry uses Verbal Irony which is, stating something that is the opposite of what is suppose to or expected to be stated, to state how many things that The Community has lost through “Sameness”. Jonas asked his mom if she loved him and her response is very surprising. “‘Love is a meaningless term, almost obsolete’ Jonas’s mother said”(127). Through just what Jonas’s mother has said you can tell that they are completely oblivious to any emotion or feelings at all. Love is infact a very strong word that should not just be thrown around and if they had feelings then they would understand that and she would love Jonas with a passion. Lois Lowry also uses …show more content…

Lois Lowry uses it to show how calm and normal life is in The Community. Jonas is waiting to be called up for his job to be assigned and the head elder skips him and moves onto the next person. “‘Twenty,’ he heard her voice say cleary. ‘Pierre.’ She skipped me, Jonas thought, stunned.”
This shows how unexpected surprises are in The Community. How planned out their lives are and if something unexpected happens there is panic and worry. Lois Lowry uses dramatic irony as well.

Dramatic irony is used to create a mood of sadness and pain when Jonas watches a "Release". Jonas is instructed to watch "Release" that his father performed and he has just found out what it really is. “He killed it! My father killed it!” This is even more heartbreaking for us because we knew that Jonas would find out and when he did we could feel the pain with him. Lois Lowry uses multiple types of dramatic irony to portray The Community to us and how bad of a life it would

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