Plato's The Giver And The Dystopian World

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Now arriving upon a confident answer to what you are best suited for is challenging for many people. Which is why I believe the government should aid in helping people to find their true meaning in life. Back in middle school, I read a book called The Giver, and while most of the book I disagreed with, one part of the dystopian world in the society in the book stuck with me. In The Giver, children are observed by the government in terms of their characteristics, by aptitudes, and multiple other areas. What they government then does, is that when the children become a certain age, they place the child with a career that is best suited for them, based on everything observed. Now while this may seem extreme, I honestly would love it is someone …show more content…

Well, like Plato, again, I favor the concept of having a philosopher-king has a ruler. Like Plato describes, a philosopher-king will be best able to make decisions for the people, without outside influence get in the way of making them. When leaders become too caught up in trying to make everyone happy, I believe they lose their power to truly be effect at doing what is best for the whole. It is not the job of the ruler to impose his own beliefs upon his people, but rather do his best to maintain the best quality of life the states can give to its people. Multiple people with potential should be chosen, as prescribed in my system of aiding children to find their best suited job, and then from that pool only the best can be chosen to be the philosopher-king. The rest, shall be placed on a position on the court, for you would also want a person who is unbiased to give the best verdict over a case. Another court power, is that they will serve as a check over the philosopher-king to make sure the philosopher-kings stays true to his impartiality when making decisions, and retain the ability to make the best decision for all. Also, in this system that court will be the ones, being an uninfluenced body, to place children in their best career. In continuation, the only area of government which shall remain in the selection of the people, and the legislature, …show more content…

Throughout this course I have developed my political philosophy to be stronger, by heeding examples from the great philosophers we have discussed, however I have yet to fully peace all of it together in a flowing coherent text quite yet. I do know one thing however, and that it to remain open. While I realize that some of my ideas are radical, over my experiences and how I clicked with the political thinkers words, this is what I have created as my own political philosophy as of now. Given the current world today this is where I stand. Something may happen tomorrow and make me realize how wrong or right I have been, but for now this is me, as radical and all over the place it is. I can only hope that my logic makes an inkling of sense. To keep on track, the philosophers we have studied this semester deserve respect in their own light. Each one of them is right, and I feel like none of them are necessarily wrong. The world is a different place to every person, and for that reason I personally do not believe that we will ever have a political system with which everyone agrees with. We can merely do the best we can to grow, and take into considerations the words of those who have come before us, and maybe one day, we will arrive upon a system of government worth waiting

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