Risks and Benefits in the Future of Information Technology

718 Words2 Pages

Information Technology will break borders to teach, expand and improve social, educational and professional futures. The real-time transfer of information from opposite sides of the world will give knowledge on all standpoints of life. Knowledge that is important to enacting a positive future for all.
Information technology will give the ability to develop and keep relationships regardless of borders or distance and will enable a merging of people and culture allowing for new customs and a new importance on individual traits rather than ethnic characteristics. Countless amounts of varied and diverse learning resources is contained and passed with technology empowering people from all manners of life and in any part of the world to learn what is needed to improve upon not only individuals but communities and countries. The transfer of vital information such as competitive products, inventory, income, outcome, profit and world trends allow decisions and changes to be made in seconds preventing and fixing problems as well as encouraging innovative ideas and expansion worldwide.
There are various fears in the future we will have in information technology one being the abuse of power by corporate and government to take control of the passing of information. This abuse will be fought and worked around with laws and declarations such as The Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference, and impart information and ideas through any media regardless of frontiers.” This as well as other laws passed or that will come into being by the people will inhibit and protect against abuse. With the vast access to cli...

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...nd all other aspects of their life.
The future of information technology has many possibilities both for the positive and negative but with advancement solutions for these problems will come from all over the world. How people start and keep relationships will change. Individual qualities will become more important than where people come from. Advances in medicine, law enforcement and other institutions will change societies. Individuals will own businesses prosper and expand across nations. New laws and declarations will prevent the abuse of power by businesses and governments to limit information. Professions never thought possible will come into existence. Education will include all people regardless of income or location. Information technology’s impact on the future is vast and largely unknown but the possibilities for an improved future are unlimited.

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