The Foxhole: A Short Story

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Lieutenant Jimmy Cross was being replaced as his leg had gotten blown off by a Bouncing Betty this morning. The betty was positioned three feet away from his foxhole. When Cross had crawled out, there was a huge explosion that left him injured and lying on the ground. I could hear the blast all the way from the tree while I was taking a piss. I didn’t flinch even though it that sounded like a grenade went off. Anyway, after I heard the explosion, I saw smoke emerging from the area, so walked over to the sight where I saw Cross’s upper body coming out of the foxhole. The whole platoon was around his foxhole trying to help him. As I got closer, I could see how injured he was. There was a pool of blood underneath him trickling down his foxhole. …show more content…

As the black helicopter landed, we all said goodbye and let him go. The funny thing was Cross was not particularly concerned about leaving us. We wished him good luck on his journey back to America and that was the gist of it. After he settled in the helicopter, someone else came out of the rear seat. When we laid eyes on a solid, tall, dark-skinned fella came out of the helicopter and introduced himself as our new Lieutenant Christian …show more content…

It was not long before the Lieutenant heard him murmuring and mumbling his hate speech. I could see everyone make way for him a s he walked in the middle of the group. He stopped when I was face to face with Azar and knocked him right out. The punch was so strong; he collapsed smack-dab on the ground and chipped his left front tooth. You could hear the tooth chip when he fell down. When he fell, there was an instant movement of the platoon, letting Azar collapse on the stony, light- brown dirt. When Azar got up, the lieutenant got in his face and whispered “Try me again.” Holding his jaw, Azar walked back to the back of the

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