The Formation Of Identity In Adolescents

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Adolescent Psychology
I. Introduction.
The formation of identity can be seen in the adolescent characters in Anna Lisa Raya’s short story, It’s Hard Enough Being Me” as well as Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet. Formation of identity in adolescents can be best defined as to develop a clear sense of self. In Raya’s short story, she gives her readers an idea of what she experiences moving from a Mexican neighborhood in Los Angeles to New York City. Life was completely different for her than it was in El Sereno. In Shakespeare’s play, he gives his readers a tragic story line based on the two star-crossed lovers, Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet. Romeo and Juliet share a love story but give readers an idea on what identity crisis feels like.
I am writing this paper because I am currently enrolled in a Psychology of Adolescence and Adulthood course. In my opinion, Psychology is a very interesting subject. Taking this course has led me to researching more information on adolescents. Hence, I have chosen the formation of identity in adolescents as my research topic. This gives me the opportunity to gain more knowledge of adolescent behavior as well as an excellent grade in both my English and Psychology course.

II. History/Data/Biography/Facts
The first use of the word adolescence came from the Latin word “adolescere”. Adolescere means to grow up or to grow into maturity. In 1904, G. Stanley Hall, the president of the American Psychological Association discovered the word adolescence. Identity is an individual’s self-definition that focuses on long-lasting characteristics of the self. Adolescent years are teenager years where every individual undergoes curiosity, as well as identity crisis. During this stage, teenagers begin to ...

... middle of paper ... Anna Lisa Raya and William’s Shakespeare also give readers a great example of identity crisis in adolescents. After thoroughly researching the formation of identity in adolescents I have learned that ethnicity and family conflict play a huge role in identity crisis. Families who expose their ethnicity don’t have much conflict involving identity. When an individual is aware of whom he or she is, their confidence becomes stronger as well as their identity. I cannot relate to neither Anna Lisa Raya or Romeo and Juliet. My mother and father has made it clear that I was born a Hindu and that is the religion that I will practice. As to culture, they made it clear that I was born in an Indian family and I will remain an Indian. I used to question myself when it came to identifying me as an American or an Indian, and I have convinced myself that it’s a 50/50 matter.

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